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How to Become an Event Planner for a Children's Hospital

Being an event planner for a children’s hospital is considered a rewarding career by many. You must be very organized, have the ability to multitask, solve problems quickly, be creative, have good time management skills and be sociable. It also helps if you're good at budgeting and public speaking. Before applying to be an event planner at a children’s hospital, however, you must gain the necessary education and skills to win the job.
Learn the basics. Talk to other event planners to learn about the field. Go to the library or bookstore, and read books about event planning as well as public relations in general.
Get experience. Volunteer at as many events as possible to help you to gain valuable experience. If possible, volunteer at local hospital events to meet people who may be able to help you find employment in the future. Forgetting small details in a large event can mean disaster. So learning the ins and outs of event planning from experienced professionals is crucial, prior to taking on your own events.
Get educated. In addition to earning a bachelor's or master's degree in a related area, various certification courses are available for event planning. A Master’s Certificate in Event Management can be earned through a course available online through the International Institute of Event Management. George Washington University also offers online courses for its Event Management Certificate Program. The Certified Special Events Professional designation can be obtained by taking an exam after three years of full-time employment in the special events industry. The Convention Industry Council also offers an examination to become a Certified Meeting Professional.
Apply for the job. Take your resume to nearby children’s hospitals and present it to someone in human resources. Search online for available event planning jobs in hospitals in distant locations, if you are willing to move for the job.
Though constantly traveling the world, Julia Williams is based in Chicago and has been writing since 2006. Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting. She is also a licensed fitness instructor, specializing in Pilates since 2003 and has written hundreds of articles on exercise and health.
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