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How to Write an Employee Profile

Employee profiles serve one of two purposes and take on two different formats. First, they are used to connect coworkers, take inventory of a company's talent and promote the brand of a business through the biographies of its key players. Second, they might simply outline the expectations of an ideal employee in a specific organization, rather than a specific individual, and include the necessary skills and qualities. In either scenario, be sure to keep an employee profile well balanced between personal and professional assets.
Playing the Part
When sharing the biographies of key executives, it is important to state the person's current position and primary role, and clearly identify where she fits into the company's overall structure. Next, share something about her background, such as her level of education and professional experience, as well as any specific licenses or certifications relevant to her position. This can help others in the organization get a quick snapshot of the person's qualifications and help identify which individuals can meet specific needs within the company as they arise.
Dig Deeper
In addition to helping your organization take stock of hard business skills, you can use employee profiles to help stakeholders learn more about the employee's personal interests. For example, at J.P. Morgan, key managers are identified by their hobbies, such as cooking, running and traveling, as well as their areas of expertise. By including this type of information -- along with a professional photograph -- coworkers and customers alike can see that the company is managed by real people with real lives.
Know Yourself
Employee profiles don't necessarily have to tell a story of an individual. Instead, they can focus on the key competencies and expectations of the ideal employee. According to Brannick HR Connections, it's important to develop an internal employee profile that communicates the type of individual who would want to work for your company -- not just the type that could simply get the job done. Brannick HR Connections recommends examining the top employees in your organization and identifying what they read, what type of music they listen to, their educational and professional histories and their core values. By researching these qualities, you can create a profile that tells you whether job candidates would be a good fit for the organization.
Be Specific
When trying to use employee profiles to attract new talent, be as specific as possible. The International Baccalaureate Organization, for example, identifies 10 values that staff are expected to share, including workplace accountability, teamwork and a global vision. This information can be itemized in a bulleted or crafted into a prose profile, but be sure to briefly explain each point. Investing the time to clearly communicate the qualities that you look for in a future employee will save you a lot of time and money that would otherwise be spent interviewing less-than-ideal candidates.
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