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Brief Description of Duties & Responsibilities

Learning the job requirements that are expected with a job allows the employee to perform up to the manager's expectations. Job descriptions come in a few different formats and companies often tailor the description to suit their own needs. The employee should keep a copy of the list of duties and responsibilities that she is expected to do so that she knows her job responsibilities at all times.
Job Description
A job description helps the employee understand exactly what is expected of them. It will list all of the information that a job entailed and describe what types of tasks will get performed. The job description will also have the amount of hours the employee will be expected to work and it will detail who the employee is suppose to report to for a supervisor.
List of Job Duties
A list of job duties involves a piece of paper that has a checklist of items that an employee is suppose to complete during a shift. The list can change from shift to shift depending on what the supervisor needs completed and additional duties might get added to the list over time. This list helps the employee remember all the required tasks and gives the employee a way to priorities what to do first because he can see what clearly needs to get done.
Job Summary
A job summary is similar to a job description except that it does not have as much detail on the summary. The job summary is normally a page or two long and will give examples of the types of duties that the employee might perform. The job summary is usually signed when an employee starts to work for a company and is used as a tool to measure if the employee is doing all of his work.
Summary of Job Skills Required
Sometimes, companies give a perspective employee a list of the types of skills that the company is looking for and asks the employee if she can perform all of these tasks. The employee will tell the company how much training that he has had at each job skill and it will help the company to decide where to place the employee. It also assists the company in knowing what types of trainings to place the employee in.
Jeanne Dober has been a professional writer since 2007. She ghostwrites for private clients creating Web articles and copy writing projects and also writes short fiction stories. Dober's articles specialize in animals, health care, telephones, crafts and business topics. She graduate from Southern New Hampshire University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and a minor in English.
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