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How to Renew a CNA Certification in Pennsylvania Online

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) work in formal healthcare facilities, such as hospitals or nursing homes, or in home care arrangements. Generally, they perform routine medical tasks, such as taking and recording a patient's vital signs, assisting with simple physical therapy measures and monitoring blood sugar levels. They also assist patients with daily activities like eating, bathing, grooming and resting more comfortably.
In Pennsylvania, a CNA must complete a state-approved training program, pass a written examination and register with the Nursing Aide Registry through the Department of Health. The CNA must renew that registration every 2 years.
Work in a licensed healthcare facility or home care setting as a nurse aide, for pay, for at least 8 hours in the 24-month period before your license expiration date. Maintain your current contact information on the state's Nurse Aide Registry at all times.
Complete the renewal form that you received in the mail approximately 90 days before your license expiration date. Request a new form from the Pennsylvania Department of Health if you misplaced or did not receive your renewal application. Return the form to the Health Department at the address listed on the form. If you are currently employed as a nurse aide, your employer will pay the fee. If not, you must pay it yourself.
Renew your license online through the state's Nurse Aide Registry Online.
You will receive your new registry card in the mail.
- You will receive your new registry card in the mail.
Patricia O’Malley began writing professionally in 1982, while working with progressive nonprofit organizations. Her articles, brochures, commentaries and other documents advocated for social services and public policies for low-income families. The "51 Corridor Community Newspaper" began publishing her column, "Community Matters," in 2008. O'Malley has a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Pittsburgh.
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