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How to Renew a CNA License in Arkansas

To be eligible to renew a certified nursing aide certificate in Arkansas, you must have worked as a nursing assistant or performed nurse-related work for at least 8 consecutive hours in the preceding 24 months. Nursing students in the state of Arkansas do not have to pay to renew their CNA licensing certificate. If you have any employment restrictions due to patient abuse, neglect, theft or misappropriation, you cannot renew your Arkansas Certified Nurses Aide certificate (see Reference 1).
Go to and enter "Arkansas CNA renewal" into the search box or use the link provided in Resource 1 (see Reference 1). Conversely, you can use the pull-down menu to click on Arkansas under the state, county and local government tab on the front page of the Prometric website. Then, click on the link for the CNA certificate exam. The renewal form is at the bottom of the page under Registry Services.
Click on the link at the bottom of the page titled "Arkansas Nursing Assistant Renewal Form."
Print pages one and two of the Arkansas Nursing Assistant Renewal Form.
Fill in the entire form with all the requested information completely.
Mail the completed form to:
Prometric Services Attn: Arkansas Nursing Assistant Registry Renewal 1260 Energy Lane St. Paul, MN 55108
Be sure to complete and sign both pages of the certificate renewal form.
Call Prometric at 800-818-8917 if you have any questions on your Arkansas CNA license renewal.
If your name has changed from what is listed on your CNA license, you will need to also submit legal documents (such as a marriage license) documenting the name change. (see Resource 1)
If you fail to renew your Arkansas CNA license within 24 months of its expiration, you will not be able to renew your license. You will then be required to take the CNA entrance exam again.
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- Be sure to complete and sign both pages of the certificate renewal form.
- Call Prometric at 800-818-8917 if you have any questions on your Arkansas CNA license renewal.
- If your name has changed from what is listed on your CNA license, you will need to also submit legal documents (such as a marriage license) documenting the name change. (see Resource 1)
- If you fail to renew your Arkansas CNA license within 24 months of its expiration, you will not be able to renew your license. You will then be required to take the CNA entrance exam again.
Kay Baxter is a freelance writer that has been writing articles since 1999 on a variety of subjects such as small equine and art instruction. Her book "Miniature Horse Conformation" was published in 2007. Baxter has also had articles published by "Better Homes & Garden" and "The Horse Magazine." Baxter attended Illinois Central College, majoring in art.
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