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How to Include Standard Operating Procedures in a Resume

A standard operating procedure is a set procedure that can be followed on a regular basis in order to produce a specific result for a company or organization. (reference 1) If you have ever been responsible for creating a standard operating procedure, this may be good information to include on your resume. Since you can't include the entire procedure, you'll need to summarize it for use on your resume.
Create a special section on your resume labeled, "Standard Operating Procedure." Include one sentence that briefly summarizes the procedure. Be sure to mention the date it was created, the organization or company it was created for, and if the procedure is still in use.
Include several sub-headers within the section that describe different aspects of the standard operating procedure. Examples of sub-headers include purpose, materials, benefits and features. Include two or three bullet points under each sub-header.
Add bullet points to the section and briefly describe each step of the standard operating procedure. These steps should be as concise as possible, and they should be written in a step-by-step format. Be sure to use active voice and present verb tense. When possible, begin each bullet point with an action verb.
Make sure the layout of the standard operating procedure included on your resume is well organized and easy to follow. Remember, its purpose is to showcase your ability to create a simple, easy-to-follow procedure for an employer.
You might not have enough room on a one-page resume to include information about a standard operating procedure. Consider including the special section designated to describing the standard operating procedure on the second page of your resume, and include typical information about your employment history and education on the first page.
J. Johnson has been completing freelance writing work since September 2009. Her work includes writing website content and small client projects. Johnson holds a degree in English from North Carolina State University.
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