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How to Write a Procedure Memo

Memorandums are usually called memos for short, and are written to people within your organization or company. The purpose of a memo is normally to share information within an office. A procedure memo is written a little differently from a traditional memo and may need a different format. Here are some steps to take when writing a procedural memo.
Choose a template that makes the most sense for the information you are sharing. Procedure memos can have graphics, steps and a side bar for important information. Most word processing programs have templates that you can use. For a procedure memo it may be good to use one with a sidebar.
Complete the memo header with the appropriate contact information. This includes TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:
Make sure to address the memo in a professional manner. Use each recipient's title and full name.
Be specific in the subject line. The subject line should be written to be informative and establish the purpose of the memo. It should be straight to the point and detail the procedure you will be explaining in the memo. For example, don't just write "Change." Write "Changes to Form 2140."
Write the steps of the procedure in the body of the memo. Each step should be short and to the point. Make it readable and detailed. Do not leave any gaps in data.
Use the sidebar to make comments or provide supplemental information next to the step. For example, if the step asks the reader to complete a form you may write in the sidebar - "Form 2140 can be found on the Employee Directory under Human Resources."
Use graphics under a step to highlight important data or to label parts of an object.
Write a paragraph that notes the reason for the procedure or changes to an existing procedure after you have completed writing the steps.
Summarize your points in your last paragraph. Be sure to include your contact information in case questions arise.
Write the your initials in capital letters below the last paragraph.
Remember to add any attachments to your memo before you send it.
Be sure everyone receiving the memo needs to read it, and do not send memos of a delicate or personal nature to uninvolved parties.
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