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How to Become a Distributor For Anime Products

anime products include figurines, manga, anime DVDs and other various products that relate to anime and come from Japan. Becoming an anime distributor in the United States is a difficult task. There is a very small niche market in the U.S. for anime when compared with other countries. However, it is still possible to become an anime distributor with enough diligence, persistence, and the appropriate industry contacts. Even without industry contacts, it may still be possible to become an anime distributor but it will certainly be more challenging.
How to Become a Distributor For Anime Products
Be in the know. Becoming an anime distributor requires a consistent effort to keep up-to-date on market trends and news related to the anime industry. It's very important to know what is going on at all times because the anime industry tends to fluctuate its trends quite frequently. For example, in 2008 the anime called "Naruto" was heavily popular, but in 2009 "Death Note" took its place as one of the most popular anime of the year. Staying current will help you know what products you can purchase that are guaranteed to sell.
Use available start-up capital. Like all businesses, becoming an anime distributor requires a certain amount of start-up capital. The amount of start-up capital that you will need depends heavily upon how much you want to sell and how much profit you are looking to gain. The more you invest, the more you will profit. This is especially true if you research current market trends. Many distributors sign up for major anime news magazines and request regular updates from online publications such as Anime News Network.
Travel to national anime conventions. Anime conventions go on regularly throughout the country. In order to become a full-time distributor, you will need to attend every convention possible. You almost always are required to travel to these conventions. Most distributors travel at least once per month. Animate publications can tell you about upcoming conventions around the nation.
Gain an online and offline customer base. In today's market most distributors sell products online and offline. Using a website with a shopping cart feature, distributors can sell items online that can be shipped all over the world. You can gain online clients by giving offline clients your business card when you attend anime conventions. Once someone has bought from you, be sure that you obtain their e-mail address and try to update them of new products that you receive once per month either by e-mail or regular mail.
Continue your marketing efforts. Marketing online and offline is very important for anime distributors because it takes both to create a successful business venture. Using social media such as Twitter and Facebook ,distributors can post updated information about products that they are carrying in their online shops. Using e-mail marketing, distributors can send out monthly newsletters telling potential customers about sales that may be going on at their shop. Finally, it is important to not just sit idly while attending a convention. Make sure to greet every person who walks by and offer everyone that you can your business card.
Gonnette Almurey is a professional freelance writer with a heavy background in fiction writing. Her expertise in non-fiction topics include finance and freelance advice. She has been a professional writer since 2004. She currently holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and is actively working towards her Master of Arts.
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