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How to Sell Lingerie From Home

How to Sell Lingerie From Home. Selling lingerie from home is a growing home business for those who want to make their own hours while selling something fun. Lingerie is something that both women and men like to buy. It's an established product that doesn't need a market created for it. All it needs is customers who know where to buy it and who to buy it from.
Look for lingerie brands that are sold to home sellers. Brands like UndercoverWear and SheerExpressions sell lingerie to resellers and provide information to them about selling the items from home. The lingerie can often be bought in bulk online from the manufacturer.
Sell lingerie through home parties. Invite groups of women, or couples, to a lingerie party. The various pieces are then displayed for the group who are invited to buy any pieces they are interested in. Some lingerie companies give their sellers party kits, but a party can be put together without one. Simply plan snacks for your guests, arrange comfortable seating and make sure you have enough pieces and enough order forms.
List the lingerie on Internet auction sites. The largest auction site, eBay, brings in millions of potential buyers each day. Offering a competitive price and a good photograph of each piece will allow you to sell as many pieces as you like. Be sure to price each piece of lingerie to cover the cost of the item, the price you paid to have it shipped to you, the price of the auction listing fee and the commission you will pay to the site on the sale. The ending price will have to cover all of those plus bring in enough profit to make the sale worthwhile.
Open your own online store. A store can be designed by a Web designer, with your own programming skills or by using a pre-made store template. Any of these will set up a store, but marketing it is what will bring in customers. The site should be marketed with links placed on other retail sites, through a blog or through any other means that gets the site seen by potential buyers.
Find buyers who want to sell lingerie and sell it to them in bulk. By buying large lots of lingerie from you in bulk prices, the buyers can then sell them piece by piece from their own online store or auction listings.
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