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How to FAX a resume

A fax is a fast way to send and receive documents, and many employers still prefer to receive resumes and job applications this way. When you send your resume by fax, include a fax cover sheet. It explains who you are and what you are sending and includes information that would help get your documents to the right person. It also makes your submission look professional. You can use a standard fax cover sheet or combine it with a cover letter. If you wish, follow up your fax with a mailed copy of your resume if an address is provided.

Launch your word processing program and open a new page. Type the following for the recipient's information, leaving a line of space between each: "To:", "Fax:", "Date:" and "Re:", which explains the purpose of the documents you are faxing. In the "To:" space, type in the name of the contact included on the job listing or a generic title like "Hiring Manager" if none is given. Type the following for your information: "From:", "Fax", "Phone:", "Number of pages" and "Message:" or "Comment:". If you are also typing your cover letter on this page, leave out the "Message" and begin your cover letter after "Number of pages". Keep it brief.

Type the associated information next to each word on the fax cover sheet. If you don't have a permanent return fax number -- if you are sending from a copy shop, for example -- you can leave that section blank. Just make sure you provide your phone number in case your submission ends up at the wrong office and someone needs to contact you. The message section is for any information or handling instructions you would like the recipient to know, such as "Please contact me to resend if pages are truncated." Type the number of pages to expect, including the cover sheet. For instance, type "3" if you have a cover sheet, separate cover letter and resume. If your cover sheet also includes your cover letter, type "2". Print the fax cover.

Arrange the cover sheet and documents in the following order, face up: resume, cover letter and fax cover sheet, with the cover sheet on top. If you created a combined cover sheet then it would be that on top of the resume, face up. Insert the pages into the fax machine's paper feed, face up or down, based on what is shown on the icon close to it.

Enter the recipient's fax number with the keypad on the machine and press the Start button. This prompts the machine to dial the number and begin transmitting the image on each sheet once it connects with the receiving machine. Wait for the machine to print a report at the end that lets you know whether the transmission was successful or not. If it wasn't successful, perform this step again.
Word processing programs often include a fax cover template that you can modify. You can also download a cover from websites such as and
Tina Amo has been writing business-related content since 2006. Her articles appear on various well-known websites. Amo holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in information systems.