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How to Be a Freelance Retail Merchandiser

How to Be a Freelance Retail Merchandiser. A retail merchandiser has the best of both worlds. You get to work in the office studying buying trends, developing sales and visual display strategies, and in the store stocking shelves and counters. A freelance retail merchandiser has even more leeway, as you can work for many stores and stock different types of products at a given time.
Consult with product buyers to decide which items to sell. By working closely with retail buyers in reviewing previous sales, customer habits and current trends, you'll have all the information you need to create a retail atmosphere conducive to achieving the company's financial goals.
Set the retail cost of items. Analyze past season prices, sales, customer feedback and competitors' pricing to arrive at a fair market cost for your product. Since freelance merchandisers work with different stores and products, they have a better idea of what's popular and can lend their expertise to benefit many retail managers.
Monitor the amount of stock in each store. Replenish goods when necessary, and study customer buying habits so popular products remain available and visible in prominent store displays.
Publicize all lines, especially slower selling ones. Liaison with sales and advertising managers to develop ad campaigns or store displays that will boost sales for slow selling products.
Learn how to work independently. As a freelance merchandiser, you'll set your own hours and choose the product lines and store you want to deal with, so develop a strong work ethic and stay on good terms with retail buyers and managers from all the companies in your area.
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