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How to Reference a Memo in a Memorandum

Memorandums (or memos for short) are useful methods for sending brief, business-related information to colleagues and employees. Due to the number of memos you can encounter within a typical business environment, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll need to reference one within a new message. Fortunately this can be achieved without much difficulty by following the relevant MLA (Modern Language Association) citation style.
Write the last name of the individual who produced the memo you’re referencing. This should be placed in parentheses within the text of your memo, after the relevant information is discussed. For example, “As previously reported, our advertising sales were down during July (Farthing).”
Create a new entry within the references section of your memo.
Write the last name of author who produced the memo you’re referencing. Place a comma.
Write the author’s first name and any initials. Place a period.
Write “Memo to …” and detail to whom the memo was addressed. For example, “Memo to the Sales Department.”
Write the name of the company. Place a comma and write the city and state where the company is located.
Write the date when the memo was sent. A full example would be: “Farthing, Kirsty A. Memo to the Development Department. Dolphin Cosmetics, Allentown, PA. 23 Sept 2009.”
Joe Burnham has been a writer since 2008, working with British magazines such as "NME." His articles have been featured in "The Independent" newspaper, London's "Time Out" magazine and "York Vision," where he served as editor-in-chief. Burnham holds a Bachelor of Arts in politics and international relations from the University of York.
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