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About Warehouse Work for Women

Someone has to unload the goods and materials being delivered a distribution center and then stack and store the boxes, crates or rolls. These positions can be filled by women as well as men.
Reasonable physical fitness, ability to work steadily for long hours and a degree of physical strength are all appropriate assets for women who choose warehouse work. A valid driver's license and willingness to learn to operate a forklift may also be essential.
Working in a warehouse will involve loading and unloading trucks or vans. It will require spatial planning in order to store shipments coming in and shipments going out. It may require a knowledge of mathematics to record sizes and amounts of shipments. Some warehouse jobs require that the worker decide whether or not the shipment is the correct product, either coming in or going out.
Warehouse jobs are almost always shift work; if working when others are sleeping is tolerable, shift work is fine, especially for children's caregivers. Warehouse workers may sometimes need to work outside when the weather is unpleasant, and the most common injuries in warehouse work are back injuries, but prospects for advancement for women are generally good.
Karen W. Waggoner is a retired teacher and lifetime scribbler. She has published short stories, essays in anthologies and periodicals. Waggoner is the author of the memoir, "On My Honor, A Navy Wife’s Vietnam War." She is a graduate of Stetson University, the University of Connecticut and Christian College for Women.