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Job Description of a Mentor Coordinator

Many private and public organizations offer mentor programs to help individuals reach their highest potential. Mentor coordinators are in charge of implementing these programs. They manage program budgets, supervise mentors, recruit mentees, organize activities and pursue funding opportunities. These professionals may work for school districts, academic institutions, recruitment agencies and other organizations.
Using the Skills
Mentor coordinators use analytical and decision-making skills to assess the individual needs of mentees and pair them with suitable mentors. They may need strong computer skills to use mentor-matching software and other computer applications. When evaluating the effectiveness of a mentor program, they use problem-solving skills to address shortcomings and benefits. The coordinators also use budget-management skills to efficiently control program funds; grant writing skills to craft proposals to secure funding; and interpersonal skills to build positive relationships with program participants.
Implementing Programs
Mentor coordinators lead the implementation of mentor programs. In a university, for example, coordinators may collaborate with program development specialists to select course materials, then conduct recruitment drives or invite applications from students in need of mentoring. They may organize training sessions or workshops where mentors can interact with mentees. During the mentoring process, coordinators assist participants in developing relationships. If a mentee fails to get along with a mentor, it is the job of the coordinator to find another coach.
Evaluating Effectiveness
Another duty of mentor coordinators is to assess whether mentor programs meet goals and objectives. They may use surveys, questionnaires or direct interviews to gather the views of mentees. Coordinators analyze the collected data and make changes to the program when they are appropriate. If mentees report low satisfaction levels, coordinators devise strategies to improve effectiveness, such as organizing training workshops where mentors can receive additional training.
Getting There
Most mentor coordinators are high school graduates with training in a relevant field. Institutions such as the University of Phoenix in Arizona offer certificate courses in coaching and mentoring in preparation for the job. Many work as mentors and work their way up to supervisory roles. The International Coach Federation awards the Professional Certified Coach credential to bolster your marketability in the field.
Based in New York City, Alison Green has been writing professionally on career topics for more than a decade. Her work has appeared in “U.S. News Weekly” magazine, “The Career” magazine and “Human Resources Journal.” Green holds a master's degree in finance from New York University.
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