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Job Description for a Mentor

A mentor is a person who advises, counsels, teaches, and guides the person or persons he mentors (the mentee). The job description of a mentor depends on the field he is mentoring in. Mentors might help and supervise new employees at work, students at a college or university, or recovering drug or alcohol addicts. A good mentor actively listens to the mentee, helps that person build his self-esteem and confidence, pushes the mentee to achieve his goals, and offers stability and positive reinforcement in the mentee's life.
Big Brother and Sisters of America
Mentors in a Big Brother and Sister program help young people with problems such as child neglect, gangs, and other issues for young people. Being a mentor for this program is on a volunteer basis, and the job description calls for mentors to have outings with the children and dedicate at least four hours a month to the child. The mentor will participate in outings, programs, and events that steer the child in a positive direction.
Drug and Alcohol Mentor
A drug and alcohol mentor is assigned to a recovering alcohol or drug addict. The responsibility of this mentor is to help the addict stay involved in activities, organizations, and programs that uplift the addict. The mentor is there to listen to the addict when he needs someone to talk to, remaining inspirational when giving the addict advice or tutelage. The mentor will meet with the addict regularly and report behavioral patterns to the coordinator of the mentor program.
Employee Mentor
In companies and corporations, an employer may assign managers or other employees to mentor a new worker. The mentor will teach the new employee the daily operations of his job and how to perform the job effectively. The mentor will share experiences with the new employee, such as how to use software, how to clock in and out for work, and what is and is not permitted at the job. The mentor informs the new employee of the products and services the employer provides and a general overview of the company itself.
Prison Mentors
Some people mentor an individual who is or was incarcerated. The responsibility of this mentor is to be a friend to the individual who is making a transition once released, or changing his lifestyle while incarcerated. The mentor will work as a part of a team with the program coordinator, prison staff, and community agencies to help the mentee reenter society with as strong a foundation as possible. The mentor meets with the mentee on a regular basis to encourage the mentee to make his own decisions and be responsible for the consequences, develop intangible skills such as problem solving, and help the mentee develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
Peer Mentor
A peer mentor at a school is typically an upperclassman, such as a junior or senior. The peer mentor provides one-on-one counseling for the students he mentors, but a peer counselor may have more than one mentee. The mentor is responsible for organizing activities and events at least once a month for students. The peer mentor helps the students become familiar with resources available at the school. A peer mentor advises mentees on appropriate class ethics and how to deal with personal issues that can arise on and off campus. A peer mentor might meet with the student as frequently as necessary. Peer mentors report to the coordinator of the peer mentor program, such as a student affairs faculty member.
Mona Johnson is a graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a degree in communications. She began writing in 2001 and producing literary works in 2003 for T.A.D.D. Writes Publications. Johnson has experience with writing articles and blogs geared towards facts, keywords, fashion and other subjects.
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