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Job Description for an MIS Coordinator

A management information systems coordinator is responsible for planning, directing and coordinating information system services. The MIS coordinator typically reports to an MIS director, chief information officer or chief executive officer.
MIS coordinator duties may extend to developing training programs for personnel on system features, supervising programmers and data processing personnel. The coordinator also conducts budget and cost analysis for IT projects.
Job Functions and Features
The MIS coordinator is responsible for researching new technologies, including hardware, software or telecommunication components, to improve efficiency with the information systems operational structure. The coordinator assists with creating specifications for system and software upgrades, and with purchasing and leasing of information systems equipment. The MIS coordinator also supervises the installation of new systems.
Work Environment
The MIS coordinator typically works 40 hours a week but can be on 24-hour call for emergencies. The MIS coordinator can be required to make off-site visits regarding systems and information systems operations connected with the company or organization.
Educational Requirements and Salary
Most employers expect candidates for the positioin of MIS coordinator to have bachelor's degree with a major in computer science or information systems management. An MIS coordinator's compensation is comparable to that of a systems analyst or senior systems analyst. According to, an MIS coordinator with five to nine years of experience earns an annual salary of $64,327 to $84,802.
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