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Job Description of Technical Staff

Technical professionals improve a company's operating systems and infrastructure. They review internal processes, mechanisms and procedures, test system efficiency on a regular basis and provide routine maintenance work to meet business requirements.
Work Activities
A technical analyst installs and upgrades software in a client's environment, provides guidance with respect to application functionality and ensures that software options meet customer requests. The analyst also makes decisions, solves complex problems and gauges operating data to ensure conformity to system safety standards.
Abilities and Tools
A technical analyst must have good vision, analytical and programming acumen and effective communication skills, according to O-Net OnLine. To perform the necessary tasks successfully, a technical analyst often uses mainframe computers, configuration management software and Web platform development software, such as HyperText Markup Language, or HTML.
Qualifications and Job Pay
Companies prefer job applicants with a bachelor’s degree in computer science or information systems to fill technical analyst vacancies. A technical analyst earned an average yearly salary of $80,000 as of 2010, according to the career resources portal Indeed.
Marquis Codjia is a New York-based freelance writer, investor and banker. He has authored articles since 2000, covering topics such as politics, technology and business. A certified public accountant and certified financial manager, Codjia received a Master of Business Administration from Rutgers University, majoring in investment analysis and financial management.
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Pattanaphong Khuankaew/iStock/GettyImages