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Purpose of a Business Email

Office workers have come to reply on e-mail for almost all of their communication--from requesting additional office supplies to asking coworkers what they want for lunch. However, in its simplest form, business e-mail is for sharing information. If used properly, e-mail can be an effective tool for business communication.
For Sharing Basic Information
E-mail is a handy tool if you need to inform all employees of a new office policy or let them know that an important visitor is coming through the office. It is information everyone needs, and no one needs to respond, making it a quick and effective means of communication.
For Marketing and Advertising
E-mail often beats out print media for marketing and advertising. You can easily reach your audience, personalize the e-mail message with the recipients' names and include a link to your organization's Web presence. It's quick, convenient and effective.
For Negotiations
E-mail is a useful method of communication for stating facts, sharing figures and negotiating with another party. It is quicker than regular mail and provides an easy way to keep a record of the proceedings. If you want to see exactly what is included in a quote, it's easy to sort through your e-mail archives to find the information you need. And you know that both parties have a copy of the same information.
A professional writer and editor, Kristi Roddey began freelancing in 1999. She has worked on books, magazines, websites and computer-based training modules, including South Carolina Educational Television's NatureScene Interactive, "Planted Aquaria," "Xtreme RC Cars" and online courses for Education To Go, Inc. Roddey holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of South Carolina.
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