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Motorcycle Sales Job Description

Motorcycles are a type of two-wheeled vehicle primarily used for recreational driving on roads and highways. Motorcycle salespeople are the individuals responsible for selling these vehicles.
Motorcycle salespeople explain the features of different models of motorcycles to customers, pointing out the selling points or benefits of each. Once a customer is ready to buy, salespeople often negotiate the selling price of the vehicle with assistance from their managers or supervisors.
Some motorcycle salespeople work for dealers that sell only one brand of new motorcycle, while others work for dealers that carry multiple brands. Some salespeople find employment working for used motorcycle dealers.
While there is no specific education for motorcycle salespeople, most employers prefer applicants who have a minimum of a high school diploma. Communication and selling abilities are also important, and employers often look for workers who have experience in sales.
Most motorcycle dealers require salespeople to have a state-issued license to drive motorcycles. In most states, this requires passing both a written and a skills examination.
As of January 2010, the average hourly rate for motorcycle salespeople was $11.77 an hour, which equates to $24,481 per year based on a 40-hour workweek, reports the In addition to their hourly wages, however, sales associates often receive commission based upon their sales.
Faith Davies has been writing professionally since 1996, contributing to various websites. She holds an LAH insurance license in the state of Pennsylvania and has experience as a bank branch manager and lending officer. Davies graduated cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Arts in art history.
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