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Customer Liaison Job Description

A customer liaison acts as a focal point for customer problems, questions or concerns. They coordinate with the proper company personnel to provide timely and accurate answers for the customers. This position requires good people skills.
This position usually requires a bachelor’s degree in business or a related major.
Applicants are usually required to have several years of experience in working with customers in a help desk or customer service capacity.
Customer liaisons must possess good communication skills, both verbally and written. The applicant must have a professional demeanor.
Job Particulars
Duties vary depending on the facility where you will work. For example, if you are at a large plant, you may give tours. Some customer liaisons process customer orders. You may be part of the management team and will lead a team.
As of 2010, the average customer liaison salary in Michigan is $46,000. Michigan salaries for customer liaisons are 8 percent lower than nationwide figures.
Laura Agadoni has been writing professionally since 1983. Her feature stories on area businesses, human interest and health and fitness appear in her local newspaper. She has also written and edited for a grassroots outreach effort and has been published in "Clean Eating" magazine and in "Dimensions" magazine, a CUNA Mutual publication. Agadoni has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University-Fullerton.
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