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Job Description of a Community Liaison

Community liaisons work in social service fields, education, health care and the government. They're primarily responsible for raising awareness to residents about issues that are going on in the community, and they sometimes serve as advocates when residents have a difficult time getting through to city officials.

Community liaisons plan and attend meetings where residents voice their concerns about new laws. They also perform surveys in the neighborhood to determine residents' needs, refer them to government and utility companies, and visit hospitals and schools.

Some residents feel government officials and school board members aren't paying attention to their concerns, despite their efforts to contact them. Community liaisons know the city rules and sometimes have a relationship with the politicians as well. They use this knowledge to improve their communities.
Fun Fact

Some politicians got their start as community liaisons. For example, President Barack Obama started out working as a community organizer in Chicago, and this gave him the foundation for his current policies.

Most community liaisons have at least a bachelor's degree in sociology, political science, or education, and others have master's degrees. Community liaisons also start their careers in the administrative sector and usually work their way up to higher positions.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for community liaisons is between $40,000 to $50,000 a year. The salary varies depending on your location, education level and years of experience.
Thea Theresa English is a freelance writer who lives in New Orleans. She has written articles on career development, maintaining healthy relationships, politics and cultural issues. She is currently a graduate student at Tulane University where she will receive her Master of Liberal Arts degree.
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Catherine Yeulet/iStock/Getty Images