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Job Description for an Outreach Coordinator

An outreach coordinator typically works for a non-profit, medical or community outreach organization. These professionals organize fundraisers, media events and other services.

Most employers require a bachelor's degree in social services or a related discipline, but some employers will accept candidates with a high school diploma or GED, and several years of related experience.

Organizing outreach events includes marketing, sales and planning related activities to assist in promoting services and receiving donations.

These occupations often require local travel to meet with community leaders, churches, businesses and other organizations to promote an employer.
Public Affairs

Outreach coordinators often act as a spokesperson for an organization, and may be involved with television, radio and other public events to promote an employer.
Average Salary

In January 2010, lists a national average salary of $44,000 per year for these occupations.
2019 Salary Information for Social Workers
Social workers earned a median annual salary of $50,470 in 2019, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, social workers earned a 10th percentile salary of $31,790, meaning 90 percent earned more than this amount. The 90th percentile salary is $82,540, meaning 10 percent earn more. In 2019, 713,200 people were employed in the U.S. as social workers.
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