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How Do I Write a Resume Envelope?

The envelope you place your resume in must look as professional as the resume itself. Format it correctly and include all of the necessary information to ensure it is delivered into the right hands. Your possible future employer’s first impression of you will begin to form the moment your envelope lands on his desk.
Purchase a 9-by-12-inch envelope that matches the color of your resume paper. A No. 10 envelope requires you to fold your resume. Flat resumes are easier to read, and the 9-by-12-inch envelope presents your information to the employer immediately upon opening the envelope, according to the Career Consulting Corner website.
Print your address and the address of the employer on mailing labels. This makes your envelope appear more professional than if you used only a pen. Use a font size and style that makes the addresses easy to read.
Include the name of the person to whom the resume should be sent in the employer’s address. If the job posting did not list a name, call the company and ask to whom you should send your resume.
Put the name of the company on the first line of the employer’s address. Then include the appropriate department name, if you know it, on the next line. Add the name of the contact person on the next line, typing “Attention:” before the person’s name. Include the street address on the next line, and type the city, state and ZIP code on the last line.
Turn the envelope horizontally, with the envelope’s opening facing to the right. Place your address label in the upper left-hand corner. Put the employer’s address label in the middle of the envelope.
Ensure that you have enough postage to mail the resume. To be sure, take it to the post office so it can be weighed precisely. Put any postage on the envelope neatly, with stamps facing the right direction and in neat rows.
Leyla Norman has been a writer since 2008 and is a certified English as a second language teacher. She also has a master's degree in development studies and a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology.
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