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College Majors
Showing data from the American Community Survey for the following US Census occupation categories. Bachelor's degree majors are shown.
Automotive service technicians and mechanics
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What Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics Do
Automotive service technicians and mechanics, often called service technicians or service techs, inspect, maintain, and repair cars and light trucks.
Work Environment
Most automotive service technicians and mechanics work in well-ventilated and well-lit repair shops. Although technicians often identify and fix automotive problems with computers, they commonly work with greasy parts and tools, sometimes in uncomfortable positions.
How to Become an Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic
Employers prefer that automotive service technicians and mechanics complete a formal education program at a postsecondary institution. Industry certification is usually required once the person is employed.
Job Outlook
Employment of automotive service technicians and mechanics is projected to grow 5 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Job opportunities for qualified jobseekers should be good.
Job Trends for Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
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This occupation supported 701,100 jobs in 2012 and 739,900 jobs in 2014, reflecting an increase of 5.5%. In 2012, this occupation was projected to increase by 8.6% in 2022 to 761,500 jobs. As of 2014, to keep pace with prediction, the expected number of jobs was 713,100, compared with an observed value of 739,900, 3.8% higher than expected. This indicates current employment trends are better than the 2012 trend within this occupation. In 2014, this occupation was projected to increase by 5.6% in 2024 to 779,000 jobs. Linear extrapolation of the 2012 projection for 2022 results in an expected number of 773,500 jobs for 2024, 0.7% lower than the 2014 projection for 2024. This indicates expectations for future employment trends are about on track with the 2012 trend within this occupation.