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How to Announce a Replacement for a Job

Any time you introduce a new employee to your staff, a formal announcement helps you officially welcome the newcomer, give other staffers an idea about the person’s background and credentials, and sets the stage for developing a good working relationship. Draft an “all staff” memo that you distribute via email or office mailbox that announces the new hire. The communication should come from a human resources representative or the new staff person's department manager.
Give the person's name, title and a brief overview of her background and education. “Jane Smith is joining our staff as an administrative assistant in the marketing department. Jane has been a corporate secretary for the past 10 years, and previously worked as an executive assistant at a Fortune 500 company. Jane holds an associate’s degree in communications from Community College of Southern Nevada.”
Describe the new employee’s responsibilities, particularly as they pertain to other people in the organization. “Jane will be responsible for communicating with advertisers, handling department correspondence and managing the department production calendar. She will also be the point person for accepting project request forms from other departments and coordinating project deadlines.”
Personal Information
Give staffers some personal information about the new hire that will endear her to other employees and help integrate her into the workplace culture. Be lighthearted, if appropriate, to smooth the way for the new staffer. “Jane is an avid mystery literature fan and claims to bake the best chocolate brownies in the world. The latter claim will be put to the test at our next company potluck.”
Contact Information
End your announcement by providing details on your new employee’s start date, and give colleagues her office contact information, including email, phone number and extension. “Jane's first day with us will be Monday, June 1. You'll have a chance to formally meet Jane at our morning staff meeting. Please make a point to stop by and welcome her to the company.”
Additional Information
If you run a large company, it might be prudent to announce who the new hire is replacing to give staffers a point of reference. “Jane replaces Mary Smith, who retired last month.” If there was any contention surrounding the departure of the last person in that position, omit this detail.
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Lisa McQuerrey has been a business writer since 1987. In 1994, she launched a full-service marketing and communications firm. McQuerrey's work has garnered awards from the U.S. Small Business Administration, the International Association of Business Communicators and the Associated Press. She is also the author of several nonfiction trade publications, and, in 2012, had her first young-adult novel published by Glass Page Books.
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