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The Job Description of a Door Greeter

A door greeter welcomes visitors and customers as they arrive at a company, restaurant, office building or retail store. He may also bid people farewell as they exit the premises. His job frequently requires him to provide customers and other visitors with information regarding hours of operation, merchandise locations, nearby businesses or public restroom facilities.
Types of Door Greeters
A door greeter can work at different types of companies, both profit and nonprofit. Places of worship frequently have a greeter at the door before services begin. Restaurant door greeters, or hosts and hostesses, lead patrons to their tables and give them menus. Some retail store greeters are required to check customers’ packages before the customers exit the store. Door greeters at office buildings open doors for visitors and provide them with directions to their desired destinations.
Job Duties
Although some door greeter jobs are limited to greeting and saying goodbye to visitors and customers, others require the greeter to perform additional tasks when traffic is slow. Typical additional duties include keeping the front of the location clean and orderly, gathering shopping carts from the parking lot and helping customers carry large parcels to their vehicles. A door greeter may be cross-trained to operate a cash register or assist customers in the role of a sales clerk. Displaying a friendly and welcoming attitude is necessary to be a good door greeter.
Working Conditions
A door greeter needs to be in good physical shape to withstand long hours on his feet, often standing and walking on concrete or other hard surfaces. His job may require him to occasionally withstand inclement weather. Since he interacts with people of all ages and personality types, a door greeter is required to be tolerant while conveying an authoritative attitude. A considerable number of door greeter positions require wearing a uniform provided by the company.
Educational Requirements
A high school diploma or equivalent is preferred for door greeter job applicants. Knowledge of his place of employment as well as the surrounding area is required. Good communication skills are needed.
Salary and Advancement Opportunities
In June 2010, reported the average annual salary for a door greeter in the United States was $27,000. Opportunities for advancement vary greatly depending on the nature of the business and the size of the company. Greeters at retail locations can often advance to cashier or customer service positions if they demonstrate initiative and related abilities.
Cassie Damewood has been a writer and editor since 1985. She writes about food and cooking for various websites, including My Great Recipes, and serves as the copy editor for "Food Loves Beer" magazine. Damewood completed a Bachelor of Arts in English with an emphasis in creative writing at Miami University.
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