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Job Description of a Performance Analyst

Performance analysts provide subject matter expertise on organizational performance and statistical functions. In this role, analysts support systems applications, initiatives and projects. Performance analysts' roles are typically self-directed. The position could be performed in a supervisory or non-supervisory capacity.
Analysts monitor organizational performance and perform quality control evaluations. They are involved in departmental projects and corporate initiatives. Performance analysts will review processes, recommend improvements, increase customer service levels and reduce operational risks. Analysts build strong relationships between internal and external customers. They also contribute subject expertise to team and organizational efforts
Performance analysts should demonstrate clear communication abilities and strong presentation skills. Analysts have to interpret complexities and communicate them effectively to others. They also need a demonstrated ability in industry-related performance measures and expertise. Individuals in this role should be adept at managing deadlines
The job outlook for performance Analysts is favorable as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment of analysts should increase as industries become increasingly reliant on them to improve organizational performance. Current recruiting industries include technology, health care, human resources, engineering and marketing.
Candidates for performance analyst positions should minimally hold a high school or general equivalency diploma. Performance analysts should preferably have a bachelor’s degree in a related field and at least one year work experience. Graduate degrees are preferred in this role; however, they are not required by most potential employers.
Performance analysts seeking employment will notice salaries commensurate with education and experience. reports the starting salary range is similar among industries recruiting for this role. The reported salary range is $49,000 to $79,000 annually as of June 2010.
Juliana Robertson is currently studying creative writing. She is a full time student of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Central Florida. Interdisciplinary Studies is a fancy way of saying she couldn’t decide on one major. The only decisive thing is her love for writing, and her ability to translate life’s lessons into poignant prose. Her articles have been featured on
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