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What is the Average Salary of a Light Heavyweight Boxer?

Light heavyweight boxers specialize in dealing out and taking physical punishment. These pugilists knowingly face hazards in the ring for potential fame and fortune. The market outlook for light heavyweight boxers is expected to decline. The pay for light heavyweight boxers is largely based on his rank and popularity among fight fans.
Job Description
Light heavyweight boxers are professional prize fighters at the 175-pound weight limit. These often heavy-handed pugilists train for weeks and even months before stepping into the ring to do battle. Boxing promoters set up fights between boxers to generate excitement among boxing fans. Many boxers dream of fighting their way to the top and becoming the undisputed champion in their weight class.
Low Salary Range Factors
The pay for light heavyweight boxers can vary tremendously. Among the primary influencing factors are fight record, name recognition and location. A lower-end purse for a light heavyweight boxer with only a few fights and a few years of experience can be as little as $1,500 per fight, according to the “MMA Mania.” Boxers are paid per fight.
High Salary Range Factors
The pay at the higher end of the salary range for light heavyweight boxers can be significant. The factors that increase pay consist of fight card popularity the fighter's rank and the likely fight attendance. For example, two popular boxers fighting for a championship title can earn over $3 million for the bout, according to “Yahoo Sports.” Many champion boxers only fight once or twice a year.
Job and Salary Forecast
Boxing Hall of Famer Sugar Ray Leonard agreed in an interview with "110SportsPodcast with Victor and Mike," that boxing is in decline. Employment is expected to fall slightly along with the popularity of the sport as a whole.
Marty Aquino is a venture capitalist who has helped start-up companies raise millions of dollars. He has been a passionate writer on green energy, technology and entrepreneurial topics since 2009. Aquino specializes in helping start-ups create the necessary look and feel to secure large funding. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Puget Sound.