Growth Trends for Related Jobs

Creative & Analytical Jobs

Most people function either in a creative or an analytical way. We tend to think of those studious people who are engrossed in mathematics, for example, as analytical, while those who enjoy the arts we think of as creative. The reality is that many careers require someone to be both creative and analytical; those who can use both sides of their brain will succeed.

Computer Programming and Design

Developing computer applications such as websites and graphics requires an understanding of the various computer codes and languages combined with the creative ability to integrate them into intriguing designs. A person in this field may use her creativity when designing a website or developing the look of a game. She may then need to switch from creative to analytic mode to program the item to be fully functional.


Most people hear the term science and assume that all scientists are analytical. The reality is that scientists must be creative when taking facts they know to be true and using them in new ways to develop new products or technologies. A scientist is constantly switching back and forth between analyzing data, creating new parameters to test the data and then analyzing those results until the desired progress is made. We didn't get to the moon by simply analyzing it; someone had to dream it first.


Not everyone in the entertainment industry is a diva actress. There are many people in the entertainment industry who need to blend creativity with analytical analysis. A few examples are camera operators, gaffers (lighting design), stunt coordinators and editors. These positions require people to understand the creative applications of technical components such as filters, lights, electricity, pyrotechnics, computer editing and computer-generated special effects.


With more than 15 years of professional writing experience, Kimberlee finds it fun to take technical mumbo-jumbo and make it fun! Her first career was in financial services and insurance.