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Salary of a General Manager of a TV Station

A general manager of a TV station is a top executive who directs operations to ensure organizational and financial goals are met. These professionals typically report directly to the board of directors or owner of the TV station. In May 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated the salary of a general manager of a TV station under the broader industry of television broadcasting.
In the television broadcasting industry, most general managers are hands-on managers and involved in sales for the TV station. Most employers require a bachelor’s degree and at least 10 years of experience in television management. Along with education and experience, successful candidates have experience in sales and operations of a television station, and are knowledgeable of Federal Communications Commission regulations.
Average Salary
General managers of TV stations oversee employees including departmental managers, sales and marketing, accounting and television broadcasting staff such as producers, directors, television announcers and news analysts. Among 2,650 general and operations managers in the television broadcasting industry in 2010, the average salary was $135,840 per year.
Salaries vary for this occupation based on the size of the TV station and overall revenue. Salaries ranged from $54,950 to $112,610 per year, including the 10th through 50th percentiles. Salaries above the 75th percentile earned more than $166,400 per year.
Additional Compensation
A general manager plays a key role in the TV station’s success and often receive additional financial compensation such as performance bonuses. These professionals may also receive a company car and cell phone. Many employers offer a bonus structure equivalent to the salary. The total compensation package of a general manager of a successful TV station is often well above $200,000 per year.
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