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How to Manage a Radio Station

How to Manage a Radio Station. Managing a broadcast radio station involves dozens of complex tasks. The general manager of a medium or large market station has to oversee all the departments and keep track of everything from the station budget to Federal Communication Commission regulations. Here's an overview of what to expect when you manage a radio station.
Hire disc jockeys, advertising reps and other personnel. You'll need to have a tough skin and a cool demeanor as you'll manage temperamental on-air personalities, interns and stubborn salespeople.
Ensure that radio station employees follow procedures. You'll be responsible for seeing that everyone at the station complies with FCC regulations and federal and local laws. Learn what they are so you can ensure none of the rules are violated.
Invest in radio station and scheduling software. Software packages geared to broadcast management make it easier to send emails to listeners, schedule commercials, compile music playlists and coordinate contests and promotions. Look at ads in trade magazines like "Radio & Records" for details on radio management software.
Create a budget for the station. Develop a financial plan by meeting with the owner, accounting department and other department heads to determine how funds should be allocated and what to expect in terms of revenue from the sales staff and other employees.
Deal with complaints from listeners and advertisers. One of your disc jockeys might make a remark that riles an important advertiser or a particular segment of your listeners. Always be prepared for controversy, especially if you manage a talk-oriented radio station.
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