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The Best Part-Time Jobs for Midlife Workers

Midlife is a time when people often make changes in their lives. The age associated with midlife varies but is thought to begin around 40. Job and career changes are part of the transitions that begin at this age. During midlife, some people leave behind the career they pursued for 30 years and begin looking for part-time work. Others leave jobs they just started or look for part-time work while still working full-time. If you are in this time of your life, there are several part-time jobs geared toward you.
People approaching midlife are finding great part-time careers in the nonprofit world. Several organizations exist to assist those in this age range find jobs in the nonprofit world. ReServe is one such organization that links professionals aged 55-plus with nonprofits who could use their services. Other movements such as Encore Fellowships and Teach for America use the vast experience of those 55-plus to work in missions and improve schools.
Retail is a straightforward part-time job that doesn't always require any special training. If you enjoy shopping and want a job that can be lower in stress, working in retail may be worth a look. The opportunities that exist are as varies as your interests. If you love animals, apply at a pet store. If gardening is your hobby, try a home-improvement store or a grocery store floral department. Hours are typically flexible and retailers love older workers for the insights and skills they bring in pleasing customers. If you're active and don't mind standing on your feet for most of your shift, consider applying at a local store.
Health Insurance Sales
With the changes in health care happening around the world, a position in health insurance sales is a good choice for a part-time career. Selling health insurance typically requires a license that sometimes takes only a few months to complete. It's not uncommon for people entering midlife to look toward jobs that give back, and helping others sort through the best health insurance options in a sea of choices is one way to do that.
Government Work
Several government agencies are open to hiring older workers. Two such groups are the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Veteran Affairs. TSA hires for screeners and other positions dealing with passengers. The VA also looks to hire older workers for customer-service positions. Each agency is open to midlife workers because of their flexibility, reliability and patience in working with clients.
Health Care
The growing field of home health care makes home health aide positions a solid part-time career choice for those in midlife. Older people tend to have fewer commitments and more flexible schedules that appeal to health care agencies. At times, they also place aides with clients of similar age so being older should not be an issue. You can also find part-time jobs in medical billing and assisting.
Self-employment is always a good option when you're looking for part-time work during midlife. You can seek an independent contractor position and set your own hours in roles such retail merchandising. Merchandisers represent product lines in stores and make sure they are organized and appealing to shoppers. You may also want to turn your previous career into a new business. One example is the founder of Earth Safe Finishes, who created a line of nontoxic paints after her years of experience working with harmful chemicals in arts and crafts.
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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