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The Requirements for FPGEE

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) has strict rules regarding would-be pharmacists who were trained abroad but want to work in the United States. The Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEE) is a requirement of the FPGEC Certification Program. As part of the certification program, the NABP scrutinizes the documentation of each foreign candidate and ensures that he has followed a proper pharmacy curriculum and is suitably qualified.
Would-be pharmacists who graduated after January 1, 2003, need to demonstrate that they have followed the curriculum of a bona fide five-year pharmacy degree. Graduates before that date only need to show they have a pharmacy degree with a four-year curriculum.
Application Form
If you want to take the FPGEE, you must first register with the NABP for the FPGEC and submit a full application form. You will only be able to take the FPGEE if the NABP accepts your application.
The NABP will only consider you if you submit a completed application form along with the appropriate fees (a first-time application costs $800, $600 of which is for the examination and $200 is for the document evaluation). Supply all the supporting documentation, such as photographs and degree transcript, that the NABP asks you to include with your application.
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Based on the south coast of the U.K., Sally Nash has been writing since 1988. Her articles have appeared in everything from "Hairdressers Journal" to "Optician." She has also been published in national newspapers such as the "Financial Times." Nash holds a Master of Arts in creative writing from Manchester Metropolitan University.