Growth Trends for Related Jobs
Information Technology Jobs in the Music Industry
The ways in which music is produced and marketed have changed significantly as technology has advanced. Today, many music careers involve information technology. The broad category of information technology consists of any job in which technology is used to create, store or transfer information, reports "Entrepreneur" magazine. Individuals who are tech savvy and who wish to work in the music industry may find that a music-related information technology career is their key to success.
Mixers use technology to create the music that individuals listen to daily. These specialists take individual musical tracks and combine them using mixing boards or computer software to create a full-bodied song. Individuals who work in this position often work in close contact with the artists themselves. These individuals are responsible for the sound quality and overall appeal of the music they touch, as it is often their mixing that separates a nice song from a potential hit.
Music Video Editor
Music video editors combine the music with visual components to create an engaging and attractive multimedia product. Individuals who edit music videos use their information technology skills to manipulate audio and video files and combine them to create a musical production. Although music video editors do not often have complete creative control of the finished product, they do have some power in shaping the overall look of the video creation.
Digital Marketer
The way in which music makers are presented to the public has changed greatly over the years. Today much marketing is done in the digital setting, with artists and record labels setting up online advertisements to inform and entice listeners. Digital marketers work to create these online advertisements and inform web users of artists and their music. These information technology professionals both create ads for musical artists and work to either place or sell the advertisements to ensure that they reach web users.
Artist Website Designer
To be successful, arts in today's market must have a digital presence. Website designers are often called upon to build a digital persona for a musical artist. This job is important, as many potential listeners turn to the web when gathering information about an artist they may potentially follow. A well-organized and attractive website presents the artist as a professional and may entice would-be listeners to pick up or download the artist's album.
Erin Schreiner is a freelance writer and teacher who holds a bachelor's degree from Bowling Green State University. She has been actively freelancing since 2008. Schreiner previously worked for a London-based freelance firm. Her work appears on eHow, and RedEnvelope. She currently teaches writing to middle school students in Ohio and works on her writing craft regularly.
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