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Project Management Technical Requirements

Project management technical requirements include the elements of project strategy, implementation, initiation and documentation. Technical requirements outline the order in which projects are analyzed from start to finish while also providing procedural guidance for adjustments that could be related to cost or other unseen factors. A strong project management function with technical requirements can save an organization money, time and resources when developing a project.
Project Planning
The first technical requirement of project management is to establish project planning standards. The role of management at this step is to develop project plans to analyze project resources, identification and risks. Plans should highlight and describe management system processes (organizational management), benefits and weaknesses, information management resources and network requirements. At this level, project goals are established and communicated throughout the organization.
Configuration Management
Configuration management is a controller function that monitors abrupt changes or delays in a project management plan. When a problem has occurred during a project that may cause delays in the project, this technical requirement analyzes the baseline needs of the project and suggests alternate plans to avoid disruption.
Quality Assurance
At every step of a project management plan, quality assurance should be implemented to ensure those involved are following procedures. Every technical requirement should have a quality assurance inspection or audit checklist to review different processes of the plan. For example, the construction of a new highway must have quality assurance modules implemented in the area of construction and public safety. Quality assurance checks are typically written and documented into the start phase of each project.
Documentation includes descriptions of current systems, procedures, amendments and the use of information systems in a project management environment. Without documentation, there is no reference or history of activities of project development. Documentation can be used as a resource to help project managers or engineers understand the "big picture" of the project and where certain activities fit. Documentation also includes exception reports, which provide personnel with "what if" and "decision support" information. Automated programs can provide various PERT or Gannt charts to document project timelines and statistics.
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