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Recruitment Officer Duties

Recruitment officers are responsible for attracting suitable job candidates or students to an organization or school. They understand their organization's needs, engage in marketing, build relationships and screen applicants to find the best match for open positions.
Understand Organization Needs
Effective recruitment officers are solutions experts who understand an organization's needs like the back of their hand. Whether in corporate America, the military or educational settings, become aware of what it means when your institution is looking for diversity, certain educational backgrounds, experience or particular personality traits. Grasp how many positions or slots need to be filled, understand the nuanced differences between open slots and keep the organization's culture and feel in mind throughout the recruiting process.
Every organization has strengths, and recruiting officers play those up in every marketing effort pursued. Whether at a job fair, school opportunity forum or community festival, look for people who need the benefits of your organization as much as your organization needs them. Flexible hours, quick pay, a creative work environment, learning opportunities, health insurance, stability, mentoring and possibilities for promotion are all examples of possible benefits to play up. Instead of vomiting all of the facts at once, listen first for the other person's need and respond with the organization's strength that meets their need. Compliment the other person on what you see in them that could make them an ideal candidate.
Relationship Building
Effective recruiting is about building relationships in order to find out which potential candidates truly possess the personality and performance traits to equip them for success in your organization. An outgoing extrovert might not be the best fit for a head librarian position, while a shy and focused introvert could easily feel overwhelmed by the rush of opening night ticket sales. Build relationships over time instead of rushing to make snap decisions about hiring that could end in disaster. Invite potential candidates to recruiting events, meet them for lunch, schedule phone calls and make a point to get to know the motives behind the work they do. Listen for their emotions and respond to them from your heart instead of focusing only on the facts. Part of matching the right candidate to the position available is making note of how people are likely to function within the greater company culture and what truly motivates them to success.
Recruiting officers are responsible for initial screening of applicants, if not for the final hiring. Read through resumes and find the most qualified people, administer employment and personality testing, conduct interviews and give recommendations to the person responsible for the final hiring or admissions decision. Remember that hiring is not about likability, but rather about job performance. Be careful not to let your emotions bias your decisions unfairly, and think intentionally about whether an applicant's strengths meets the organization's needs.
Emotional Management
Recruitment officers serve their organization and applicants day in and day out, so it is important to guard against burnout with preventative self care measures. Emotional intelligence and management are key to forming the connections and relationships necessary for a successful recruiting campaign, as well as for making crucial hiring decisions that impact others' lives. Recharge your own batteries and engage in personal and professional growth to keep at the top of your game in all of your job interactions.
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Anne Kinsey is an entrepreneur and business pioneer, who has ranked in the top 1% of the direct sales industry, growing a large team and earning the title of Senior Team Manager during her time with Jamberry. She is the nonprofit founder and executive director of Love Powered Life, as well as a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and freelance writer who has written for publications like Working Mother, the San Francisco Chronicle, Bizfluent, the Houston Chronicle and Our Everyday Life. Anne works from her home office in rural North Carolina, where she resides with her husband and three children.
Photo Credits
Steve Debenport/E+/GettyImages