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Math Requirements for a Plumbing Career

Plumbers need more than just knowledge of the trade. Plumbers use several forms of mathematics daily, from estimating a job to calculating pipe measurements. A strong knowledge of mathematics is integral for plumbers to successfully perform their trade.
Addition and Subtraction
A plumber needs a strong command of basic addition and subtraction. He requires these skills for making exact measurements and for estimating jobs, which entails calculating a profit from the cost of material and labor when quoting a customer a price.
Multiplication and Division
Plumbers need a working knowledge of multiplication and division, especially for making advanced measurements and dealing with the amount of water pressure running through pipes. Also, plumbers may find themselves needing to calculate the square root of numbers, which would involve quick multiplication.
Algebra and Geometry
Although advanced mathematics, such as algebra and geometry, are not as required for plumbers as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, they are useful for reading blueprints, building plans and diagrams. Knowledge of these concepts is usually required for master plumbers as well, and it comes in handy when acquiring an advanced plumbing license.
Daniel DiPrinzio has been writing professionally in the Philadelphia since 2001. His articles have appeared on eHow and GolfLink, among other sites. His fiction, non-fiction and satirical commentary has appeared in several print publications including "Outsider Ink," the "Externalist," "Stick Your Neck Out," "The Philadelphia Inquirer" and the "Philadelphia Daily News." He earned a Master of Liberal Arts from Widener University.
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