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What Is Forensic Accounting?

"Forensic" means related to the law or intended for use in court. Forensic accountants specialize in finding evidence of fraud or other wrongdoing in financial matters. Their employers include law firms, accounting services, financial institutions, government agencies, insurance companies and law enforcement agencies such as the FBI.
What They Do
Forensic accountants collect and analyze financial information for evidence of illegal activity, often in support of law enforcement agencies. Their duties include tracing money, examining documents and computer files, and preparing reports on what they find. They often assist prosecutors with strategic planning and help interview witnesses prior to a trial. They prepare evidence for court proceedings in both criminal and civil cases -- for example, in divorce cases. During trials, forensic accountants testify about their findings and appear as expert witnesses.
How to Qualify
The minimum qualification for forensic accounting jobs is a bachelor's degree in accounting, but most forensic accountants also have the Certified Public Accountant credential. The CPA requires 30 graduate semester hours of accounting classes and passing a four-part national exam. Many forensic accountants take additional classes in law or criminal justice. An experienced forensic accountant can also qualify for credentialing as a Certified Fraud Examiner by passing exams.
Accountants and Auditors salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $128,680 ($61.87/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $73,560 ($35.37/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $45,220 ($21.74/hour)
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences: What Is Forensic Science?
- CNN Money: Best Jobs in America -- Forensic Accountant
- Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: Forensic Accountant
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook -- Accountants and Auditors
- Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: How to Become a CFE
- Federal Bureau of Investigation: FBI Forensic Accountants
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Accountants and Auditors
- Career Trend: Accountants and Auditors
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