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GL Accountant Job Description

A general ledger accountant works under the supervision of an accounting manager, recording operating transactions in subsidiary ledgers and general ledgers. Most general ledger accountants hold a bachelor's degree in accounting or auditing.
Nature of the Work
A general ledger accountant, otherwise known as a GL accountant, records transactions by debiting and crediting financial accounts, such as assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and equity. She also prepares ledger reports at the end of each month or quarter.
A four-year accounting degree is necessary for a GL accountant position. A junior GL accountant may have a lower degree, such as a high school diploma or an associate's degree in a finance-related field.
Salary levels for GL accountants depend on seniority, academic credentials and professional certifications. In 2020, a general ledger accountant earns a median salary of $73,560, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Career Development
A GL accountant can improve his career growth opportunities by seeking a certified public accountant license. Within a few years, an experienced and effective GL accountant can become an accounting manager.
Working Conditions
A GL is generally busy at the end of the month preparing ledger reports, such as balance sheets, income statements, statements of cash flows and equity statements. She generally works normal business hours, Monday through Friday.
Accountants and Auditors salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $128,680 ($61.87/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $73,560 ($35.37/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $45,220 ($21.74/hour)
Marquis Codjia is a New York-based freelance writer, investor and banker. He has authored articles since 2000, covering topics such as politics, technology and business. A certified public accountant and certified financial manager, Codjia received a Master of Business Administration from Rutgers University, majoring in investment analysis and financial management.
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