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What Kinds of Jobs Can You Land With a JD/MBA Degree?

Typically, if you wish to acquire a dual JD/MBA degree, you will attend one year of law school, one year of business school and two years of mixed classes. The benefits of the dual degree are that you get to explore course options outside of just one type of graduate school. Additionally, you'll have access to a wider range of contacts as you'll be introduced to students, faculty, and alumni in both the law school and the business school of your university.
Managing Partner
One career option for individuals with a JD/MBA degree is to ascend the ranks at a law firm to work as a managing partner. Managing partners are responsible for handling the day-to-day business transactions of the law firm such as marketing, hiring and firing, renting office space, managing payroll and establishing business practices. People with JD/MBA degrees are very well-suited for this type of position that combines legal experience and business knowledge.
Business Law
Business law is a natural field of practice for anyone with a JD/MBA degree. Business lawyers typically handle complex transactional matters involving business mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring. Business lawyers may also deal with matters involving real estate transactions, intellectual property, private equity and white-collar crime.
Management Consulting
Management consulting is considered one of the major career fields that values individuals with a dual JD/MBA degree. Management consultants help businesses improve their performance by focusing on business strategy, structure, management and operations. The business fundamentals learned in business school and the logical reasoning skills obtained in law school form the basis of a strong management consultant. If you have communication skills and enjoy travel and teamwork, a career in management consulting can be a good use of your JD/MBA degree.
In House Counsel
In-house counsel positions are an obvious choice for anyone with a JD/MBA degree. In-house counsel attorneys assist large corporations with the management of legal affairs within the company. In-house lawyers are also in charge of developing legal policies that guide the business operations of the company. Many in-house counsel positions require that candidates pass the bar in their state and have up to five years experience practicing law. However, an MBA is considered a valuable asset due to the need for understanding the operations of the business.
Louis Kroeck started writing professionally under the direction of Andrew Samtoy from the "Cleveland Sandwich Board" in 2006. Kroeck is an attorney out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania specializing in civil litigation, intellectual property law and entertainment law. He has a B.S from the Pennsylvania State University in information science technology and a J.D. from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
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