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Kentucky Teachers' Aides Requirements

Kentucky Teachers' Aides, also known as instructional assistants are classified as paraeducators. If you want to work in the field of education, but don't have a degree in education, a paraeducator can be the next best thing. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for teacher assistants is expected to increase by 10 percent, over a 10-year period.
Types of Aides
There are two types of teachers' aides in the Kentucky school system: instructional aides and non-instructional aides. An instructional teacher's aide is very involved in classroom instruction, according to the directions a supervising teacher gives him. An instructional aide may perform test, conduct learning activities, give tests and grade papers. A non-instructional teacher does none of the above. Essentially, he is a “babysitter” of the students when the supervising teacher is absent.
Educational Requirements
The basic qualifications for a teachers' aide position, include a high school diploma or GED. You also need a minimum of 48 credit hours from an accredited college or university. Alternatively, if you don't have the 48 credit hours, take and pass the Kentucky Paraeducator Assessment. The purpose of the KPA is to assess your reading, writing, math and communication skills. There is free KPA study guide available (see Resources). Teachers aides are also required to complete Paraeducators of Kentucky professional development courses offered by the Kentucky Department of Education.
Other Requirements
To become a Kentucky teacher's aide, you need an excellent command of the English language. You must also be knowledgeable of how computers operate and function. You must understand how to operate office machinery, such as copy machines and printers. Although not required, it is desirable that you have experience working with or tutoring children.
Becoming A Teachers' Aide
To become a teacher's aide, complete an employment application in the school district you wish to work. Kentucky has 174 school districts. Many of those districts allow you to complete online applications. If not, visit the district's office to complete an application. A listing of district offices and addresses can be found on the Kentucky Department of Education website. Once an application is submitted, you must undergo an interview process and background check before you are hired.
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