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What Is the Job Description for a Temporary Driver Helper for the United Parcel Service?

The United Parcel Service (UPS) is the world’s largest package delivery service. UPS delivers packages to more than 200 countries and operates its own airline to expedite delivery. Additional staff are hired for the Christmas holiday season due to the increased number of packages. UPS hires temporary driver helpers to assist drivers from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Temporary driver helpers assist UPS drivers with organizing and delivering the packages from the vehicle to the customers’ door.
Job Description
The role of the UPS temporary driver helper is to assist the UPS driver on the delivery route. The driver helper works in conjunction with the driver to expedite delivery of the packages from the truck to the customer. The packages are organized for delivery within the vehicle and the driver helper quickly walks the package to the customers’ door. While the helper is delivering the package, the driver is readying the next package for delivery upon the helpers return to the vehicle. Temporary driver helpers are not allowed to drive the vehicle.
Duration of Hire and Hours
UPS advertises the season for temporary driver helpers as Thanksgiving to Christmas. Temporary driver helpers are on call weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Each day the driver helper meets their driver at a convenient location determined by the driver and helper. Hours will change daily due to the varying package volume. A specific number of hours are not guaranteed to the driver helper during the length of employment. As indicated by the title, the driver helper position is temporary and Christmas usually signifies the end of employment.
Physical Demands
The driver helper position is a physically demanding job. The job is fast paced, requiring continual walking. Helpers must lift and carry packages up to 70 lbs. The average package weighs 25 to 35 lbs. that helpers must lift, lower and deliver continuously throughout the workday. Homes may receive multiple packages in one day. The helper will work outside the majority of the day. The weather may be harsh depending upon your area of the country.
Appearance Guidelines
UPS requires all employees to adhere to the UPS appearance guidelines as detailed in the UPS policy book. A driver helper will be given the policy book after hire. UPS uniforms are provided to the driver helper, but UPS employees must provide their own shoes. UPS recommends sturdy, slip resistant black or brown leather shoes. The UPS appearance guidelines advise that beards and goatees are not acceptable for men. Women’s hairstyles shoulder-length or shorter are acceptable.
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