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Ideas for Skits at Work

Whether creating a bond at work or encouraging team building among your employees, skits at work that are performed by or with your staff are a great way to boost morale. Not only are skits supportive but they are also effective in team building. Skits help enhance the skills of your employees and increase overall productivity.
Role Play
Create scenarios where employees prioritize a calendar for the day, coordinate a work function or discuss an employee's behavior. Break employees into small groups to role play these scenarios. Have them play their parts calmly and then have them try the same scene with anger. This allows them to understand how anger and yelling accomplish nothing and also has them working together to come to a solution.
Word at a Time
A great skit to encourage better listening is to play "Word at a Time." The conductor, or group leader, will take her group and point at each person individually as the group builds a story in one-word increments. One person may say "Carol," then the next would say "needs" and the next "coffee." This can go on until the story reaches a conclusion, or time is up for the group.
Group Order
This is an improv game that focuses on getting the group to agree as a whole. Have employees gather in one area, putting themselves in order and in one line by height, hair length or even by a certain color of clothing. As they mill about, they will understand it does not matter what the line-up is as long as they agree, as a group, how they are presented.
Yes, Let's
This improvised game has co-workers saying yes instead of no. Begin the skit with one employee planning an event and saying the activity she wants to do, such as, "I'm having a company meeting, and I want to make cupcakes." Another employee must jump in and agree then elaborate, "Yes, let's make cupcakes and I'd like to see everyone receive a 10 percent bonus this paycheck." This goes on until everyone has a chance for a turn.
Anne Kemp has been writing since 1998. She is a columnist for the "Frederick News-Post." a newspaper that is circulated in the D.C.-metro area, and she also writes a blog for FNP Online. Kemp attended the University of Maryland at Baltimore County and is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of California, Los Angeles.
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