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Activities That Practice Teamwork Skills

Teamwork is critical for a business's success. When people work together toward a goal, the end result is more likely achieved. Teamwork doesn't always come naturally, because of egos and differing personalities. However, there are activities you can offer to employees that build teamwork skills. When practiced, teamwork qualities are built over time.
Danger Zone
A classic team-building exercise involves one employee telling another employee how to reach a destination while the second one is blindfolded. In a large empty room, place objects that the caller must maneuver his partner around to get to a goal. The items can be office chairs or coat trees, or even other employees. Place employees in pairs and blindfold one member. The other member then simply gives directions to the blindfolded member to reach the finish line. Have several teams go at once for competition. Also make a more timid group member the one who calls out directions to encourage him to have a voice.
What's the Difference?
A quick and fun game that's easy to set up and brings people together is called, "What's the Difference?" You can play this game with a small to medium group of people. Have the group line up facing each other in two equal lines. Half of the group then turns its back to the other half while that group changes ten things about themselves, such as exchanging jewelry, altering hairstyles and removing glasses. The first group then turns back around works together for one minute to notice the ten differences. Then the same is done with the second group.
Pair Up
Another exercise involves having people get to know each other better. Write items that commonly come in pairs on pieces of paper and then tape one of each pair on everyone's backs. Relate them to your business, such as "mortgage and interest rate" or "buyer and seller" for the real estate industry. The players ask yes or no questions to find their other half, and then must learn five new things about that person by asking more questions.
Deliver the Cure
Set up a large circle, about eight feet in diameter, with a rope, and place a "cure" in the center. The cure could be a tin can filled with rubber balls signifying pills needed by a patient. Tie separate pieces of long string around the rope and place team members all around the circle so that each one is pulling on the can from a different direction. It's the team's goal to move the cure to a location outside the circle where you've set a separate team member who is the patient. All members have to communicate with each other and work together to get the cure to the patient without spilling the balls.
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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