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Job Description of a Training Lead

Training leads oversee employee training and development activities in organizations. Also known as training managers, they identify training needs, develop effective training programs, supervise the work of trainers and manage training budgets. Training leads can work in various private and public organizations, from government agencies and healthcare facilities to educational institutions and business entities.
Using the Skills
Analytical skills are an asset to training leads. To determine the training needs of an organization's workforce, for instance, they analyze employee performance evaluation reports. Critical-thinking and problem-solving skills come in handy when developing training programs that address the workforce's knowledge and skills deficiencies. In cases where an organization has two or more training programs, the lead uses decision-making skills to select the most effective one. The training lead also uses personnel management skills to supervise his staff of training specialists, budgeting skills to manage training funds, and communication skills to give clear presentations and instructions.
Improving Workforce Productivity
A training lead performs several tasks designed to enhance employee performance. She takes part in recruitment drives to select training specialists and assemble a technical team that is responsible for training workers. When an organization hires new employees, the lead oversees the implementation of the induction program to ensure they are well-prepared for their roles. If the organization lacks sufficient training resources such as projectors and computers, it is the lead’s job to liaise with the purchasing manager and ensure the needed items are acquired.
Controlling Training Costs
The training lead ensures training activities meet the organization’s financial objectives. To do this, he must select efficient and cost-effective training activities. Instead of sending employees to an external training workshop, for example, the lead can organize an internal workshop to cut on travel costs. To enhance the efficiency of induction, online learning, continuing education and other types of training programs, the lead regularly reviews and updates their content or curriculum.
Becoming a Training Lead
Although individuals with a bachelor’s degree in human resource management and vast employee training experience can get the job, those with a master’s degree in organizational leadership and learning have stronger prospects. The American Society of Training and Development awards the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance credential, which training specialists can obtain to boost their chances of becoming leads. Aspiring CPLPs must have at least five years’ experience in talent development and pass a certification examination. Competent leads with a master's degree can progress to become chief learning or knowledge officers in large organizations.
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Based in New York City, Alison Green has been writing professionally on career topics for more than a decade. Her work has appeared in “U.S. News Weekly” magazine, “The Career” magazine and “Human Resources Journal.” Green holds a master's degree in finance from New York University.
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