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Training Consultant Job Description

A training consultant is a professional who performs needs assessments for organizations, then designs and facilitates employee or customer training materials and programs. Training can include a variety of topics to meet an organization's needs.
This occupation typically requires a bachelor's degree in instructional design, education or a related discipline.
Materials Development
These professionals develop materials used for training. They include instructional materials for trainers to use as well as training materials for students. This material is developed based on the organization's needs.
These professionals train corporate instructors regarding how to train employees or customers, and may also deliver instructional classroom sessions to employees and customers.
Job Outlook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 23 percent increase for training and development specialists between 2008 and 2018, and says, "Demand may be particularly strong for certain specialists. For example, employers are expected to devote greater resources to job-specific training programs in response to the increasing complexity of many jobs and technological advances that can leave employees with obsolete skills."
As of July 2010, CB Salary listed a national average salary of $67,136 per year for this occupation.
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