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How to Write a Letter Showing your Volunteer Hours and Work

Volunteer work is generous, kind and selfless. Charities and organizations all over the country rely heavily on the giving nature of volunteers to make their programs run smoothly and efficiently. While many people volunteer simply for the feeling of giving back it provides, others volunteer for school assignments, community service hours or to gain experience in a certain industry or field. These volunteers often need a letter of proof from an official at an organization stating the number of hours worked as a volunteer. If ever you are asked to provide a statement of hours worked or volunteered, there is a simple format you can use.
Calculate the number of hours a volunteer has worked with your organization. For this purpose, it is always a good idea to have a daily sign in/out sheet for volunteers to track the time they've put in.
Write your letter showing the volunteer’s hours by keeping it short and simple. State the volunteer’s name, the time frame in which she volunteered and the total number of hours she volunteered during that time. Include a brief description of the type of work the volunteer provided during her time as a volunteer. For example, if the volunteer work is for a library, include a brief statement that the volunteer read to children during story hour or that she replaced books that were left on tables or returned by library patrons.
State the name of your organization and sign the letter as proof that your volunteer worked the number of hours you stated in the letter. Print the letter on paper with your organization's letterhead and include your name and title within the organization under your signature.
Tiffany Raiford has several years of experience writing freelance. Her writing focuses primarily on articles relating to parenting, pregnancy and travel. Raiford is a graduate of Saint Petersburg College in Florida.