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How to Get a Texas Teacher Certification With a GPA Below 2.5

Texas teacher certification is overseen by the Texas Education Agency, but an appointed board known as The State Board for Educator Certification is in charge of all aspects of teacher certification, according to the TEA. Texas colleges and some outside organizations conduct teacher certification programs. Although most institutions require students to have earned at least a 2.5 grade point average, some allow exceptions to this requirement based on individual policy of the program.
Visit the Texas State Board for Educator Certification website list of approved certification programs in Texas. (See "Resource.") This list is broken up by regions or areas of the state. By clicking onto your area or region, you will find a list of approved educator certification programs around you.
Visit the website or call certification programs in your area to find out their policies regarding required grade point averages. According to the SBEC website, certification programs are run by universities and alternative programs. (See "Resource.") Both alternative programs and programs run by a college have options for students who already hold a degree. It is up to the discretion of the individual program as to rules regarding grade point average.
Enroll in an educator certification program and complete the requirements of the course. The individual program will determine its length: Some are full-year programs, while others last for a semester depending on the frequency of classes and type of program.
Register for and successfully pass the required teacher certification exams. According to the Educational Testing Service website, exams are multiple choice, and you must receive approval to take the exams from your educator preparation program. Exam requirements vary based on the grade and subject level in which you are seeking certification.
Based in Harker Heights, Texas, Timothy Onkst has been writing about sports, fitness and health since 2003. His articles have appeared in a variety of publications including "Texas Roundball" magazine, Yahoo Sports, Fox Sports and other websites.