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NICET Level III Certification

The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies provides four levels of certification in Electrical and Mechanical Systems Engineering Technology and Civil Engineering Technology. Each level is meant to prove the candidates' experience and expertise through an examination, work history and verification of performance. On passing a certification level, candidates receive a wallet card and certificate to demonstrate to future employers their knowledge and skills in their chosen area.
Getting Certified at Level III
Level III certification is for individuals who have the experience, knowledge and skills to work independently; candidates may even have begun assuming the responsibilities of a supervisor. As of January 2015, 27 different certifications are offered by NICET. For Level III, candidates must have a minimum of five years of experience in their field, plus a personal recommendation. Candidates select which of the 27 programs is appropriate, and then follow specific instructions for certification. Depending on the area of expertise, the test may be computer based or hand-written at a testing center. While it is not necessary to obtain Level I and Level II certification before obtaining Level III certification, it is necessary to show that the candidate does have the skills to meet the lower certification requirements.
Diane Stevens' professional experience started in 1970 with a computer programming position. Beginning in 1985, running her own business gave her extensive experience in personal and business finance. Her writing appears on Orbitz's Travel Blog and other websites. Stevens holds a Bachelor of Science in physics from the State University of New York at Albany.
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