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How to Fill in UB40 Forms

The UB40 Form was exclusively used in the United Kingdom (U.K.) to claim unemployment benefit. The form's name was subsequently used by the reggae band UB40, and now the U.K. unemployment benefit form, although similar, is called JSA, short for Jobseekers Allowance. Like most U.K. government-issued forms, the replacement for UB40 can be difficult to complete. After it is filled in, it is ready to hand to the U.K. Jobseeker Center.
Go to the website That is the easiest way to fill in your JSA (previously UB40) Form. The direct link is in the Resources section.
Check whether or not you qualify to apply for JSA. You must be more than 18 years old and below state pension age, and you must live in the U.K. and be able to work. You also must be unemployed or work no more than 16 hours per week.
Click on “Start a Jobseeker’s Allowance online application.” A new window or screen will open to allow you to continue filling in your form.
Determine whether or not you have the application requirements that appear on the left side of the page. If you do not have the information required, call one of the three U.K. free phone numbers listed for help before proceeding. If you have the information required, click on the “Continue” button.
Read the six application steps to ensure you meet the requirements to receive U.K. JSA. Click on "Continue” to proceed to the next screen.
Complete the four questions. Enter your date of birth, sex, details of partner and details about children. To continue, click on “Continue.”
Enter the requested information on the next page that appears. That information is about your partner and the hours the partner works. Click on “Continue.”
Select your answer from the two drop-down boxes. The information relates to U.K. housing and council tax benefit. Click on “Continue.”
Place a check in the appropriate boxes if you want to claim these benefits. To proceed, click on “Continue.”
Write down your personal online identification (ID) reference that appears at the top of the page.
Create a password of eight or more characters. Repeat the password in the second box to confirm.
Check the box to accept the privacy terms and conditions. The when you click on “Continue,” your application is complete. You'll receive notification of the outcome via mail.
If you need to call about completing your JSA Form, use these U.K. free phone numbers Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.: for English, 0800 055 6688; for Welsh, 0800 012 1888; for textphone, 0800 023 4888.
Complete your JSA application honestly. It's a serious offense to provide false or misleading information
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Beverley Benham has been writing since 2000 about environmental computer-recycling issues in the United Kingdom. Her articles have been published by "Recycling Weekly" and the Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs. Benham obtained B-Tech certificates in English, math and physics from South East Essex Technology College.
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